Proctor Creek Partnership

Fostering sustainable, equitable development within the Proctor Creek watershed

A Unique Development Strategy for Atlanta's Westside

The Proctor Creek Partnership is bringing together public, private and philanthropic organizations focused on developing and implementing innovative strategies to increase affordable housing, commercial activity and environmental remediation within the Proctor Creek watershed area.

Invest Atlanta will lead the initiative, overseeing planning and development in coordination with partner organizations.

The City of Atlanta’s Proctor Creek watershed includes approximately 1,000 acres of primarily publicly-owned land that can be applied to catalytic economic development projects. The watershed area originates in an urbanized area near Downtown Atlanta and flows northwest to where it meets the Chattahoochee River at Interstate 285 near Atlanta Industrial Park. Proctor Creek and its tributaries connect more than 35 Atlanta neighborhoods as well as the Atlanta BeltLine, Bellwood Quarry and several city parks.

Proctor Creek Watershed Area

The watershed area also includes the seven-mile Proctor Creek Greenway under development, which will feature 50 acres of linear park and 400 acres of greenspace. The bike and pedestrian trail will span from Maddox Park and the Atlanta BeltLine Westside Trail to the Chattahoochee River.

Portions of the Proctor Creek watershed fall within three Tax Allocation Districts (TADs) administered by Invest Atlanta:  Westside TAD, Perry/Bolton TAD, and the BeltLine TAD.

More information about the Proctor Creek Partnership and development opporunties will be available soon.

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