Housing affordability in Atlanta remains a top priority, and Invest Atlanta is committed to working alongside Mayor Andre Dickens to create and preserve 20,000 affordable housing units by 2030. Developments continue to fill the pipeline, moving us ever closer to our goal. Below are the latest projects for development.
Trinity Towers
Located in the Perkerson neighborhood, Trinity Towers is a senior housing development originally constructed in 1975 and renovated in 2005 using Low-Income Housing Tax Credits. The Invest Atlanta Board approved $24.5 million in tax-exempt bonds for the building’s acquisition and restoration, which will preserve 239 restricted affordable units serving 60% of the area median income (AMI) and below. The renovation will include all common areas and residential units.
Sweet Auburn Grande
The historic Sweet Auburn neighborhood will soon have a newly constructed multifamily housing development featuring 109 units – 92 of which will be affordable at 30%-80% AMI. The original structure that is currently on the site was built in 1908 and once housed the Atlanta State Savings Bank, the first Black-owned bank in Atlanta and Georgia’s first state-chartered Black bank. Using $3 million in financing from the 2023 Housing Opportunity Bond, the developer will preserve this historic structure as part of the development. Sweet Auburn Grande will also include 8,700 square feet of ground-floor retail and a structured parking deck for the development and the planned future redevelopment of the nearby historic YMCA.